Something to Bark About
Stay up on all the latest news from Charleston Animal Society.. We will keep this page updated with the latest news, happenings and important information you need to know. Thank you for your interest in our efforts to save even more animal lives.
Largest Cruelty Case in South Carolina History
Charleston Animal Society deployed teams to assist the Laurens County Sheriff's Office with the largest animal cruelty operation in South Carolina history following an operation in Gray Court, SC on July 16th.
Emergency Call for Kitten Fosters
Today, we have nearly 900 animals in our system of care. A majority of these animals are young kittens that desperately need to be cared for in a foster home.
Hank Heals After Zip Tie is Removed From Paw
Last week, a young cat was brought in with a zip tie bound tightly around his front leg. His foot was swollen to twice its normal size and our expert staff worked quickly to protect this cat from further injury.
10 Florida Dogs Transported Out of Hurricane Elsa's Path
Yesterday, we received a call from Suwannee County Animal Shelter in Florida. They needed our help transporting ten dogs out of Hurricane Elsa's path. Our team immediately jumped into action.
$1,000 Reward for Information on Dog Rescued with Embedded Chain
A three-year-old dog is recovering after he was discovered with a choke collar embedded at least an inch into his neck. Charleston Animal Society is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and felony conviction of the person responsible
10 Things to Know to Keep Your Pet Safe this 4th of July!
The 4th of July Holiday is a celebration, but it can be dangerous for pets who are spooked by fireworks. Because one out of three pets will go missing at some point in their lifetime, Charleston Animal Society is teaming up with Petco Love Lost to keep animal safe.
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