Something to Bark About

Stay up on all the latest news from Charleston Animal Society.. We will keep this page updated with the latest news, happenings and important information you need to know. Thank you for your interest in our efforts to save even more animal lives.

Charleston Carriage Horse Euthanized After July 19th Incident

A carriage horse was euthanized after an incident where it was injured in downtown Charleston. Read our statement here.

Hurricane Response Summit

Charleston Animal Society organized a hurricane disaster response summit July 16, 2020 in Charleston to modify the current framework for the safe evacuation of animal shelters during the COVID-19 threat.

Big Tex Survives Tragedy on I-95

A German Shepherd is on his way to a full recovery after surviving being hit by a car on I-95!

Amazing Face of a 13-Year-Old Watching Spay-Neuter

When a 13-year-old summer camper watched his first spay-neuter surgery, his face could not control what he was feeling!

4th of July Pet Safety

The 4th of July is an important holiday, but one of the most dangerous for pets.

Masks Now Mandatory

Effective June 24, 2020, all individuals (staff, volunteers, visitors, clients, customers, contractors and animal control officers, etc.) entering Charleston Animal Society will be required to wear a face mask or face covering and sanitize their hands prior to entry.

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