Donor Salon: Ending the Cycle of Violence
Found with her muzzle bound shut with electrical tape, Caitlyn’s heartbreaking story went international, when she was rescued by Charleston Animal Society. Former 9th Circuit Assistant Solicitor and Lead Animal Cruelty Prosecutor Ted Corvey not only prosecuted Caitlyn’s abuser but would go on to give her a new life through adoption.
You are invited to join us in person at this free event, to meet Caitlyn and to hear why she became the face of cruelty around the world. Ted Corvey will talk about the fight against cruelty and the challenges we face in South Carolina.
Together, we can stop the cycle of violence.
You’re Invited to this Free Event
Donor Salon: January 27th
Wine & Light Hors d’oeuvres at the home of Board Member Martin Deputy
6pm – 8pm
365 4th Avenue, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
RSVP by January 24th to:
Phone: (843) 329.1558