Pets for Life is a community outreach program that focuses on supporting families and their pets in underserved parts of our community. Launched in 2014, the program focuses on North Charleston but it has since grown to include rural parts of our community including Hollywood, Ravenel, and Edisto Island. This program seeks to address and overcome the barriers families face in accessing the basic services and resources to care for the pets they love. Charleston Animal Society is committed to meeting the community where they are instead of waiting for situations to reach the point where animals have to enter the shelter. This “boots on the ground” outreach initiatives has our outreach staff going door-to-door in focus areas building individual relationships with families and their pets. Pets for Life provides free spay or neuter services with transportation, vaccinations, and other pet resources to help support families so they can keep their pets for life! This program is made possible with support from the Humane Society of the United States.